Day: February 3, 2023

Canada National-Day

Canada’s National Day, National Anthem and Flag

Canada’s National Day Canada Day, the country’s official day of celebration and a national holiday, is observed annually on July 1st. On July 1, Canadians get together to celebrate their nation’s history, traditions, and culture, as well as to show their affection and passion for their homeland. The day is marked with a wide range

Windsurfing Water Sports Goa

Here are Some Water Activities in Goa That You Can’t Miss

We’ve already covered some of the fun things to do in Goa if you’re interested in water sports in our previous posts. To those who have or will be visiting Goa, we recommend participating in at least one of the many water-based activities available there. To that list, you may add many more incredible pursuits

Goa Water Sports

6 Best Water Activities At Beaches in Goa

As we all know that Goa is also called the Queen of Beaches and it is one of the most visited tourist destinations in India. So, it offers a lot of different tourist attractions in and around Goa. The best thing you can do in Goa is to play with the water and you can