Spring Mattresses vs Memory Foam Mattresses: A Brief Comparison

Spring Mattresses vs Memory Foam Mattresses: A Brief Comparison

spring mattress vs memory foam mattress

As we all know spring mattresses or innerspring mattresses are widely used. Almost every bed has a spring mattress on it because they are very famous. One more type of mattress which is famous is the memory foam mattress.

In this article, we are going to discuss a few pros & cons of spring and memory foam mattresses. So, here we go:

Spring Mattresses

A lot of people believe that a spring mattress is the most comfortable form. But it is not true. When you buy a new spring mattress, at first, it provides you a comfortable feeling but with passing more and more time, you realize that you are feeling pain in your shoulders & hip area.

When you lay down a mattress, your body creates different pressure points. Some parts of the body apply more force on the mattress while other parts apply the less force. This creates uneven pressure points which leads to pain in your back, hip area, and shoulder. It all happens because of the uneven blood circulation.

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The spring mattresses, according to a study, may lose up to 16% of its support after only the first year. The good thing about the spring mattress is that they are less in price. Plus they are more durable and can last for 8 to 10 years easily.

Memory Foam Mattress

People love to replace their traditional spring mattresses with the new memory foam mattress Singapore. The main reason for the popularity of the memory foam mattress is that it provides even support to your body by creating a lot of supporting points.

A memory foam mattress is made up of layers of foams and it acts like billions of springs supporting your body. It reduces the pressure points up to a great extent which provides even support for all the parts of your body.

The main disadvantage of memory foam mattresses is that they have a bad smell. Then it provides a feeling like quicksand. You can buy a low-cost memory foam mattress as well, but a good quality mattress is slighter higher in price as compared to a spring mattress.

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